The Scouting For Food program takes place annually across the USA. Our troop is a part of it every year. This year was very successful, with numbers reaching 1,737 food items collected by Troop 71, along with numerous toiletry items.
It was cold outside and the grass was covered with snow, the opposite of last year when we were wearing shorts. We split up into teams consisting of an adult driver and several scouts. Last Saturday, the teams dropped off empty bags for people to fill with donations to the cause. This week, we picked up the bags that were filled and left out for us to collect. We were in the neighborhoods around SJV.
After we were done with our routes, we came back to the church to help out. There was a lot to do, food to be counted and sorted, and bags of food to put in cars for delivery to the local food pantry.
The food pantry needs food all year long. Troop 71 is proud to take part in the largest single day food collection drive in the world.