Winter Cabin 2014

Posted on 3/4/2014 by

Winter Cabin is different than other camp outs - we stay in a cabin instead of a tent and we are allowed to bring electronics.

On Friday February 14 we headed towards our destination: Rotary Cabin at Camp Long Lake.  On the way, we stopped at Cabela's so that the adults could check out some possible new troop tents while the scouts had some target practice at the shooting gallery.  After that, we went straight to Camp Long Lake.  Everybody pitched in bringing food and equipment into the cabin as quickly as possible so that we could set up our video game areas and start playing.

It has been a tradition that the scouts stay up as long as possible playing video games on Friday night.  This year was no exception; though I went to sleep early - at 1 am - most kept playing until about 3 am.  

We were up early the next day though.  The breakfast crew made some great scrambled eggs and bacon - everybody wanted seconds, then thirds. We played a few more video games, then went over to the Dining Hall for our service project with Shorty.  Shorty had us cleaning the kitchen.  We got to work scrubbing the stoves and refrigerators, polishing them until we could see our reflections.  Shorty told us about the history of some of the banners hanging above us in the hall and showed us the new picnic tables he had built.

After a quick lunch we went over to the Wild 80, a beautiful nature area.  We hiked through some pretty deep snow.  It was often over my boots and sometimes up to my thigh.  We split up into groups and started the fire building competition.  We had brought fire starting kits using cotton balls, vaseline and hand sanitizer.  We found plenty of dry sticks to start the fires and each group quickly had a crackling fire going.

On Saturday evening we had more video games and movies.  Even though we were pretty tired, we still stayed up late.  Two brave scouts, Zach and Mickey, needed one more night of real camping.  Early in the evening they set up a troop tent outside.  They also prepared dinner, which they cooked and ate outside.  It was very cold overnight, down to single digits, but they were well prepared and slept warmly in their tent all night.

After breakfast on Sunday morning, we all volunteered to pack up and clean up, making sure the cabin was neater than when we came.

Can't wait for next year!

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