The Webelos Jam-O-Ree is a camping trip for those Cub Scouts who are about to make the transition into Boy Scouts. Here, Webelos scouts and their parents spend the day meeting Boy Scout Troops and participating in a different camp activity with each Troop. It is a lot of fun for the Webelos, and we get to help the next generation of scouts.
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Summer Camp is a great time to earn merit badges in a class, with help from your counselors. Every year, members from our Troop, and Troops all across the PAC come to Camp Long Lake. This year about 52 scouts came from our Troop alone.
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We help at the annual St John Vianney Festival as a thank you to the Parish for hosting our Troop.
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The Home Improvement campout is hosted by Troop 67 every year. We can choose two merit badges from a choice of 8, to earn in one day.
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On Memorial Day we celebrate the life of a great man - a Revolutionary War hero named Nathan Hatch.
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We had our last Court of Honor for the school year. Many scouts received rank advancements and merit badges.
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The Eagle Scout project is usually the last step in the long road to becoming an Eagle Scout. Jacob Dickman's project helped the community in many ways.
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Every year, Scouts from many Packs join our troop. It's because Troop 71 rocks! Their first campout is at Camp Long Lake, where they will go during summer camp.
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The Scouting For Food program takes place annually across the USA. Our troop is a part of it every year. This year was very successful, with numbers reaching 1,737 food items collected by Troop 71, along with numerous toiletry items.
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Thursday 2/28 was this year's Blue and Gold dinner for Pack 71. The Den Chiefs were the dessert judges for the contest. It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it.
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